The Death of a Jdimytri Damour

I grabbed my wife's copy of the Freeport Voyager, Class of 1993 High School Yearbook, from the bookshelf. I thumbed thru the alphabetical pictures of that year's graduates and stopped at the pictures beginning with the letter D. There he was . Just two spots from my wife. How many times had I looked at that yearbook, skimming past his face and resting my eye's on my wife's picture. This time I didn't notice her. I stared at the once 17 year old and I could only think of the indignity of his death. The Holiday season will never be the same for his family. Hell, every single day will never be the same for them. Killed during a Midnight Madness shopping event at a local WallMart Store. Impatient shoppers, some waiting as many as 7 hours in front of the store's main entrance, became rowdy when the store opened 3 minutes after it's advertised 5:00 AM opening. They chanted and shouted impatiently, some 2000 people, hoping to find what is now some meaningless ...